Wednesday, February 10, 2010


 What To Expect

             You may be wondering what is my theme for my blog. Well, honestly, I don't know what to write to a blog since I'm new to blogging. But as the days pass by, I have gained some ideas on what can be my theme for my blog. In order for me to be original, I thought of sharing some of my "handmade" poems.

             I consider poems as an expression of ones feelings and beliefs. It's an expression of what you're thinking and even what you're experiencing. I love to write poems because it makes my mind work and it also unleashes my feelings. Poems make me express myself, my feelings and my ideologies.

             I hope you would enjoy reading my poems.


  1. Meryl!! totally a different side of you :)
    Your blog is very unique. Peoms are really hard to make and maintain, so "saludo" akoh dahil and tapang mo..hehe..

    I like the blog because all entries show your personality however it would have been better if you include some photos and other links to articles or sites with the same views like yours.

    Overall, i like it because i could relate to your poems., i love my mom and it's not everyday that i could express it to her. so your blog reminds me of that very important thing.

